Ventao is not only a quality association but also an interest group of exchange organisations active in the weltwärts program.
As such, we are representing the interests of our member organisations in the Program Steering Committee (PSA). In the Program Steering Committee, representatives from the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), former volunteers and weltwärts sending organisations decide jointly on the further development and design of the funding program. In the PSA, e.g. the weltwärts guidelines, the introduction of new program components such as the South-North component or the quality system of the program is debated, and the weltwärts program is developed further accordingly.
A considerable aspect of the work in interest representation is the development of joint positions of our member organisations, which we are then able to bring into the discussions with the funding authority. Thereby, the program can be shaped effectively and participatory by BMZ and civil society, even with about 180 active sending organisations.
Furthermore, a representation of interests takes place in expert committees, such as the discussion group International Volunteer Services (“Gesprächskreis Internationale Freiwilligendienste”), as well as in front of members of parliament, ministries and other decision-makers, if required.
Ventao does not have a sole right of representation for the interests of its member organisations. All members are free to represent their interests individually towards relevant actors. Finally, ventao is also seeking information sharing and exchange with other associations, such as VENRO (the umbrella organisation of development non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in Germany), but also with international actors in the field of volunteer services.